I will be moving towards cleaner, healthier living during the next 365 days...why 365...because making this foundational changes are not just about habit, but about beliefs, patterns and finding new ways. This is a personal chronicle of my journey to mindful health and wellness; the good, the bad and the WTF??!! LOL
Wednesday, 1 January 2014
Squat and Push-Up Bootcamp - January 2014
While I can knock squats out like it is nobodies business, push-up continue to be weak for me...probably because I only have been doing them when they are part of a challenge and I therefore feel like I have too...CRAZY...maybe but it's a new year and that is something I will work on...push-up...not the being CRAZY part...that is too much fun - LOL.
Thanks to the Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans, they are putting on the Dietbet competition I am in as well, I have this great 31-day Squat and Push-Up Bootcamp Challenge...like I said Squats not so hard...but I need to make them a challenge so I will be adding a kettle bell....starting weight to be determined tonight when I do the Day 1 sets.
Day 1: Attempted first push-up with regular push-up form...who am I kidding...made second attempt at first push-up from knees...1 then who am I kidding...proceeded to leaning on counter top with feet out 3'8" and leaning in...finished the first set. Did the first squat with a 5lb kettle bell...did the rest of the set with a 10lb kettle bell. Repeated the push-ups at the counter - I am feeling these but was still able to complete with lots of effort on the last 2 so I think this is my starting point. The squats finished those again using the 10lb kettle bell. My lower body is much stronger than my upper and that is another goal for 2014 to strengthen my upper body from where it is now....lots of room for improvement :)
Day 2: Decided it was best to do this before going out for a run...the day is too nice not to go for a run...so if the paths are cleared I am looking to make it a long one. Push ups and Squats done same way as yesterday while I was making breakfast.
Day 3: Bottom of my left heal is still a little sore from yesterday so I pushed doing the squats and push ups till supper time...push ups and squats done while making supper...noticed the jump up in both...knees are really squeeky today...but no pain!
Day 4: Left this to the end of the evening...same set up as yesterday...knees still squeeky - LOL :)
Day 5: Sunday - REST DAY :)
Day 6: Did one set of push-ups while making breakfast...all 10 as described on Day 1, did the 20 squats after breakfast... set 2 of push ups done will making supper - nothing fancy...both the set and supper...LOL - squats done before bed
Day 7: Again 1 set of each done while making breakfast...my shoulders are really feeling this today :( Finished the rest while making supper. Still really noticing it in my shoulders.
Day 8: Did the first set of push-ups while making breakfast, then did the first set of squats and the 2nd set of push-ups and squats right after I got home from work...so I am done Day 8 now. Whoohooo no putting it off till right before bed - YAY me!
Day 9: groundhog version of Day 8 but with a few more push-ups...which were NOT fun! Shoulders are not happy with me right now :( Glad tomorrow is a rest day!
Day 10: Rest day...I like Rest days!
Day 11: was not feeling well today so took a rest day as well.
Day 12: going to just pick up here and not worry about the missed day yesterday. This is the start of 3 sets so backing down the numbers in each set and adding a set which keeps the totals basically the same as the last few days...this should be fun :) One set, Two set, Three set...DONE!
Day 13: Decided it was best to do these in the morning today. After the morning necessities, of letting the dogs out and using the washroom myself, I did set 1 then let the dogs in, then did set 2 and brushed my teeth after. Then it was time for set 3, got it done now time for the rest of my day.
Day 14: Feeling kinda gross today...weak...shaky...achy...but did set 1 before breakfast...saving the rest for later. :) 2 set done before making supper, 3rd set while making supper. 1/2 way to done!!!!
Day 15: REST DAY :)
Day 16: Home sick with Strep Throat - feel like crap and am crazy tired so while I did these today it was not in 3 sets like it states...more like 6 sets...not sure it was the best idea to do any but got it done anyway...slow and steady wins the race.
Day 17: Saw the doctor today and now have antibiotics to take for Strep Throat...overall still feeling like crap...but did a repeat of yesterday with this challenge (slow and steady)...I really want (mentally) to go for a run, but my body just ain't with me on that yet...hopefully the antibiotics kick in quick and I can get back out there - going for at least a long walk tomorrow...at least that is what I am telling myself right now :)
Day 18: Well throat isn't so sore anymore so the antibiotics seem to be working - but crazy tired. Today is supposed to be a long run day but I don't see that or any running happening today...maybe tomorrow. Still managed to get these done. Set one had me huffing and puffing which is crazy but I blame this stupid infection. Set 2 was about the same but felt kinda shaky at the end. Set 3 done but feeling kinda gross...ugh!
Day 19: ugh - number goes up to 17 push-up...they seem to be going up faster than the squats...but still gotta get'r done. Set 1 done...really felt those last few push-ups. Set 2...done. Set 3...yikes...shoulders are burning, triceps are burning...push-ups suck...but the squats are not to bad...oh yeah Set 3 is done.
Day 20: Rest day - my favourite day! :)
Day 21: Set 1 done while the dogs were out peeing - lol. Set 2 done while the egg was hard boiling. Then did day 5 of the Plank Challenge I am doing. Set 3 will get done after work...cause I gots to get ready :) Set 3 done after some decompressing time this evening...rough day...now time to get ready for bed.
Day 22: Decided to sleep in till 7 am today so doing these now that I am home from work...don't really want to do them, but am doing them anyway. Set 1 is in the books...Set 2....done, unlike my dinner - LOL and Set 3...is DONE...ugh...this would be good time to decrease the reps and add another set...but no that is not the plan.
Day 23: I am really not liking this challenge at this point - 20 push ups - finding this difficult to complete without stopping but only for a short bit then back at it....Set 1 done. Set 2 done...saving set 3 for after work...Set 3 - did these while waiting on supper :)
Day 24: Day off from work today...yeah long weekend - YAY! Slept in, which was great, set 1 done, set 2 done...gonna save set 3 for a bit later...going set 3 just like last night while waiting on supper :)
Day 26: 36 squats and 22 push up done - Set 1 complete, now time for lunch - Set 2 done while prepping supper and Set 3 done while waiting on supper to finish cooking! I like being done before bed...tomorrow will be a challenge - flying to EDM, then driving new work vehicle back - long day!!!!
Day 27: And it all fell apart - was up at 4am, at the airport at 5:15am and not back home till 8:30 pm and squatting and planking was not really what I wanted...supper and SLEEEEEEEEP! Will have to extend this challenge or see if I can pull double duty in the next couple of days.
Day 28: Yeah - headache and feeling shaky when I got up this morning, been a day of naps and taking it easy - no challenges...this will have to be extended by 2 days or no rest day on Thursday and extend by 1 day...it will depend on how I feel
Day 29: too sick to do any make-up day.
Day 30: too sick again - here it is supposed to be the final rest day before the final big day and I still have to do Day 27, 28 and 29...thinking of just cutting my losses but I really want to finish this too...will decide once I feel human enough to actually think about push-ups and squats...stupid flu!!!!
Day 31: Decided to just cut my losses and start again with the pushups being done with two chairs for a lower incline and the squats being with a heavier wieght - will start a new blog for that too - link to be posted here once I have it going...still feeling sick so not starting today (Feb 1/14)...maybe tomorrow...
1000 mile running challenge - 2014
I have committed to a couple of running related goals for 2014.While just getting out there and running is great I thought it would be good to have something more to be accountable to then "did I run?" I am going to limit the running related goals to two specific one...they are:
#1 to run at least 100 days in 2014. That being said I am aiming for more...like every other day.
#2 on those run days to have, by 11:59 pm December 31, 2014, covered 1000 miles. Yes 1000 miles, 1600 km! Yikes!!! LOL sounds like a challenge!!! Oh how I love a challenge :)
Things like increase speed and endurance will come with time and are worthy goals as well but I see them more as the outcome of the two goals then separate goals on there own...some days I run faster and/or farther than others...that is a simple fact.
What I have noticed with the crazy amount of snow we have had (177cm so far since 2nd week of November) is that running on ice and in snow is harder than dry pavement...it takes longer and if the temps are crazy (-30C with or without windchill) then I don't run as far...at least not outside. I need to have the flexibility to focus on the bigger picture and run as nature and my body dictate without some idea, that faster and further is better, driving me all the time.
I already have a couple of half marathons planned...the Hypodermic Half-Marathon in February and the Las Vegas Rock 'n Roll Half-Marathon in November. I may pick up one or two more in between, but the world is full of other runs too - 5ks...10ks and others abound both virtual and those worth travelling to. Hinton Run the Rockies will be another one I travel to this year!
I have signed up for the US ROAD RUNNING-AIM HIGH Program and that is where I got the idea for the 1000 mile goal...I also have monthly runs with them and am participating in the Fit 4 Life -Muffins to Marathons Full Moon Challenge that has a 5k on every day with a full moon.
Of course if you know me I have become a bit of a bling whore since starting running last year so other virtual races are just a natural expectation. I also like challenges and well this combines bling and a challenge...my kinda thing!!!
I will keep a running total at the bottom of this blog but won't go into much more detail then that unless I find something particularly challenging, funny or reach a mile stone...so have fun...and keep running!
January 1 (1/100) - 7.64km or 4.75 miles...and so it begins!
January 2 (2/100) - 13.80km or 8.57 miles. Total miles so far 13.32/1000...only 986.68 to go :).
These past 2 runs earned me this vitual race medal...and yes I know it says 2013 on it but I was saving it to kick 2014 off right!
January 4 (3/100) - 5.18km or 3.22 miles. Total miles 16.54/1000...and these were some cold miles -26C (-15F) with the windchill, but had on the right gear and wasn't cold at all...except for my uncovered face... and that pic was taken at about the 3/4 way point...it was worse when I was running in the other direction...into the wind...had icicles on my eyelashes! :)
#1 to run at least 100 days in 2014. That being said I am aiming for more...like every other day.
#2 on those run days to have, by 11:59 pm December 31, 2014, covered 1000 miles. Yes 1000 miles, 1600 km! Yikes!!! LOL sounds like a challenge!!! Oh how I love a challenge :)
Things like increase speed and endurance will come with time and are worthy goals as well but I see them more as the outcome of the two goals then separate goals on there own...some days I run faster and/or farther than others...that is a simple fact.
What I have noticed with the crazy amount of snow we have had (177cm so far since 2nd week of November) is that running on ice and in snow is harder than dry pavement...it takes longer and if the temps are crazy (-30C with or without windchill) then I don't run as far...at least not outside. I need to have the flexibility to focus on the bigger picture and run as nature and my body dictate without some idea, that faster and further is better, driving me all the time.
I already have a couple of half marathons planned...the Hypodermic Half-Marathon in February and the Las Vegas Rock 'n Roll Half-Marathon in November. I may pick up one or two more in between, but the world is full of other runs too - 5ks...10ks and others abound both virtual and those worth travelling to. Hinton Run the Rockies will be another one I travel to this year!
I have signed up for the US ROAD RUNNING-AIM HIGH Program and that is where I got the idea for the 1000 mile goal...I also have monthly runs with them and am participating in the Fit 4 Life -Muffins to Marathons Full Moon Challenge that has a 5k on every day with a full moon.
Of course if you know me I have become a bit of a bling whore since starting running last year so other virtual races are just a natural expectation. I also like challenges and well this combines bling and a challenge...my kinda thing!!!
I will keep a running total at the bottom of this blog but won't go into much more detail then that unless I find something particularly challenging, funny or reach a mile stone...so have fun...and keep running!
January 1 (1/100) - 7.64km or 4.75 miles...and so it begins!
January 2 (2/100) - 13.80km or 8.57 miles. Total miles so far 13.32/1000...only 986.68 to go :).
These past 2 runs earned me this vitual race medal...and yes I know it says 2013 on it but I was saving it to kick 2014 off right!
January 6 (4/100) - 6.13km or 3.81 mile run at lunch in the park...temp was +1C (-4C (25F) with the windchill) so a great time for running...unfortunately it was cloudy not like the sun and blue sky of my last run...the warmth made the trail, though groomed, pretty soupy - like running on wet sand...but it was a great run. After work I can home and did the fitness test that is part of the Fit 4 Life Fitness Challenge I am doing and that had a 1 mile run in it - so total for the day was 7.93km or 4.81 miles...pretty good for a Monday!
January 9 (5/100) - 6.29km or 3.91miles in at lunch in the park. Temp was 0, but -6 with wind (21F). Didn't want to run today but did it anyway and was glad I did. Pace was 9:00 min/km or 14:28/mile which is faster than the mile I ran the other night on the treadmill - that was 16:16 for 1 mile and felt much harder! LOL
January 13 (6/100) - 4.98 km or 3.09 miles again in the park. Technically it was the same as the January 9th run but I didn't start my Garmin at the beginning. I am going with the if it is not recorded it did not happen approach so I am only counting 4.98km of it today. Total so far 44.02 km or 27.35 miles. The weather is supposed to be fantastic all week so I am looking forward to some more running.
January 19 (7/100) 3.80 km or 2.36 miles done for Megs Miles - it was more walking then running but Strep Throat has set me back a bit and I don't want to make it worse,
January 22 (8/100) - 5.17 km or 3.21 miles at lunch in the park...had a break from a full out run of a week and a half basically due to Strep Throat. Tonight is the last night of antibiotics, and I just needed to go for a run. It was both my worst run and my best run in a while...worst because physically everything felt weak and I was breathing harder then usual, but best because it was so nice out , sunny and 6C (43F) and it felt so good on the emotional and mental side to be back at it.
January Total - 8 runs in for a total of 54.27km or 33.92 miles...not as far or as often as I had planned but being sidelined with strep throat, that turned into a sinus infection and having the flu on top of that has made the last part of January and first part of February totally suck...here we are at February 7th and I have yet to get a run in since January 22 - if dreaming of running counts then I have done lots but since it doesn't I am feeling a little behind the 8-ball with my first half marathon coming up in 9 days...I want to get out and run but I also don't want to overdue it too soon...gotta find a balance...not sure what that is...last 2 weeks were supposed to be tapper weeks so I guess I will stick with that - run less but still run - but part of me wants to run big!!!! but I will need to save that for next weekend...short runs...I can do that...fingers crossed :) But not today - just started a new course of antibiotics yesterday so gonna give them 1 more full day before I go for a run...till tomorrow.
Monday, 30 December 2013
Myfitnesspal and SparkPeople: A comparison
I have joined Dietbet for a Bootcamp weight loss challenge...the blog for that will start Jan1/14, but they recommended using a fitness and nutrition tracker such as Myfitnesspal or Spark People and I thought it might be useful to see which one is better for me..this is all my personal opinion so if you are thinking of using these or other sites you may want to consider doing something like this as well.
So I will be comparing the two from ease of signing up...to use...to interactivity...to whatever else I can figure out. Ultimately I will choose 1 over the other at the end of a two week trial and it will be the one that works best for me. Both are free so there is no reason not to give them each a shot.
I will start with the basics and illustrate with screen shots...so to begin with...funcitonality...
So I will be comparing the two from ease of signing up...to use...to interactivity...to whatever else I can figure out. Ultimately I will choose 1 over the other at the end of a two week trial and it will be the one that works best for me. Both are free so there is no reason not to give them each a shot.
I will start with the basics and illustrate with screen shots...so to begin with...funcitonality...
to sign up
to sign up
Simple colour palate,
layout and design, no icons
Lots of colours/icons,
busier design and layout
tracking tool
tracking tool
groups/message boards
This is the head banner on my main page of Myfitnesspal:
This is the head banner on my main page of Sparkpeople:
January 1/14 - What I am noticing already is the I am gravitating to the SparkPeople site already...which is good seems like I have made my choice...I find the interactivity, the points and the colours just more motivating to use than Myfitnesspal. Apparently it didn't take two weeks for me to make my choice...choice is made...I am a Sparkpeople person :)
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