Monday, 29 July 2013

squats and plank and arms oh my... 3 circut workout challenges and runs - August is going to kill it!

Well the 100 mile challenge is over...what next?  Good Question.  For my birthday I got a home gym so I spent some time yesterday figuring out what I wanted to focus on...some of it will be a repeat, some of it will be new and for right now it will be between my run days.

There will be 3 work-outs which will focus on core, legs and arms and shoulders a little in each.

July 28 -  I did workout #1

Workout #1 consists of the following done as 2 super sets with 90 seconds of break between each exercise
1-arm Dumbbell Row - 10 lbs - 20 reps
Push-ups Modified (girl style) - 20 reps
Dumbbell Shoulder Press - 10 lbs - 20 reps
Standing Calf Raise - 20 lbs - 20 reps
Dumbbell Curl - 10 lbs - 20 reps
Overhead Dumbbell Extension - 10 lbs - 20 reps
Dumbbell Squat - 20 lbs - 20 reps
Stiff Legged Deadlift - due to previous lower back injury doing this one without weights for now
Regular Plank - 30 seconds
Side Plank 30 seconds (both sides)

All these felt pretty good - took it slow to get the form down...thinking might feel it tomorrow - several of the moves did take my arm muscles to almost "fail"  which is where you want to train at...or so they say...let you know how I feel tomorrow...

July 29 - Run day

Today was a 6.5 km (4 mile) run - finally up to running 9min walking 1 min - and the 9:1 actually felt really good.  Got my best run time yet - 8:43min/km ir 12:57min/mile - which is close to 4 min better than my pace back in April when I started this journey.  Still off the 7:04 min/km I was running 3 years ago - but I'll get there and better - I know it.  Tomorrow will e workout #2 and yeah I am feeling bits of yesterdays efforts in my ticepts and shoulders today - but nothing too bad - which is good.

July 30 - Workout #2 
Workout #2 consists of the following done as 2 super sets with 90 seconds of break between each exercise

Dumbbell Squat - 20 lbs - 20 reps
Dumbbell Lunge - 20 lbs - 20 reps
Ballet Squat - 20 lbs - 20 reps
Stiff Legged Deadlift - due to previous lower back injury doing this one without weights for now
Upright Row - 10 lbs - 20 reps
Standing Calf Raise - 20 lbs - 20 reps
Tricep Kick back - 10 lbs - 20 reps
Regular Plank - 30 seconds
Side Plank 30 seconds (both sides)

Some of these burned big time - the musles still feeling some of the "stress" from Day 1.  What sucked was at HD we ended up carring flooring packages up stairs and putting on a quads, glutes and triceps were burning the whole way through...yikes!

July 31 - Run Day

Wowzer it was a hot one - 30C with humidex so the run felt like 40C - I was doing fine on my 6.5k (4mi) until the wind died then my energy went with it - wow it got hot fast!  Eneded up walking that last km - and downing all my water - but still got it finished.

August 1 - Workout #3

Workout #3 consists of the following done as 2 super sets with 90 seconds of break between each exercise

2-Arm Row 10 lbs - 20 reps
Flat Dumbbell Fly - 10 lbs - 20 reps
Bent Arm Lateral Raise inclined - 10 lbs - 20 reps
Standing Calf Raise - 20 lbs - 20 reps
Hammer Curl 20 lbs - 20 reps
Overhead Dumbbell Extension - 10 lbs - 20 rep
Dumbbell Squat - 20 lbs - 20 reps
Stiff Legged Deadlift - due to previous lower back injury doing this one without weights for now
Regular Plank - 30 seconds
Side Plank 30 seconds (both sides)

I will admit...a few of these - squats and standing calf raise - seemed easier today - good sign I think...and less burning in the muscles so even better :)  A friend of mine told me the other day that "pain is a sign of weakness leaving the body"...I like that!  Apparently it is a poster in his gym at work...might have to make myself one that says that and post it by my home gym, and in my room, and in my so I remember that there is such a thing as good pain!