Saturday, 1 February 2014

Push-up and Squat Bootcamp - February 2014

Continuing on with a similar idea to the 31 day Squat and Push-up  Bootcamp from last month, I decided to basically repeat but with more weights for the squats and a lower incline for he push-ups and with a change in the sets and to test to see what I will be using...this is what I did on Feb 1st.

Week 1 - 2 sets of each exercise (Feb 2-8)
Week 2 - 2 sets of each exercise (Feb 9-15)
Week 3 - 3 sets of each exercise (Feb 16-22)
Week 4 - 4 sets of each exercise (Feb 23-28)

For push-ups I will be moving from modified using kitchen counter to a lower height. I tried to go down to the seat of 2 dining room chairs but it was too much of a transition at this point, tried the back a my couch and while it was lower not really a huge difference so I went down to my weight bench and lowered the bar to about mid-thigh height, counter top is top of my hip high this seems to be a good transition. I might try the kitchen chairs again after a week or 2 and maybe mix it up between sets...just a thought for now...remember the end goal is to be able to do unmodified push-ups so lower is better.

For squats I have been using a 10lb kettle bell and I will move that up to a 15lb kettle.

Note: This was supposed to start Feb 2 but here it is Feb 7 and nothing...why...I have been sick with a double whammy of the flu and a sinus infection...I thought it best not to push it physically and just let my self get better...started a new course of medication for this yesterday and not feeling quite so beaten down today so started back with the plank challenge today at Day was a challenge for sure...I was contemplating starting this today too but not sure if I am there yet - maybe tomorrow or Sunday...I'll see how I am feeling over the next little bit.

Day 1 (Feb 2 by calendar): Managed to start this last night which is February 9 - so basically 1 week off on the plan...used the bar - and it hurt my wrist a bit so I will have to keep an eye on that.

Day 2 (Feb 3 by calendar): Did this one right away after letting the dogs out from their morning pee - still not feeling 100% so this had me huffing and puffing - but it still got done. :)

Day 3 (Feb 4 by calendar): Doing this one before 'r done...not huffing and puffing as much so another sign this flu/sinus infection is on the way out - YAY!!!!

Day 4 (Feb 5 by calendar): REST DAY - my favoritest of days.

Day 5 (Feb 6 by calendar): 2 sets of 18 Squats and 8 push ups done - had to take a break after 6 push-ups but just a short one...did that both times.

Day 6 (Feb 7 by calendar): Stay Tuned
