Sunday, 3 March 2013

Sunday's fire side chat

Here I am sitting beside the fire place, but is it not plugged in (electic fireplace) so there is no fire, but I felt like having a chat with you just so you know I have this same cold that EVERYONE seems to have the one that is just hanging on forever..dry cough that just won't quite, runny nose, horse voice but really don't feel since the cold medication from the pharmacy has been doing very little for my uncomfortable symptoms for the past few days I decided to try and kick it old school.

So lots of water, vicks vapo-rub, sinus rinses, hot showers and a shot of brandy before bed...yes I said Brandy...and while it burned wicked going down and made my stomach feel like it was on fire I did sleep better last night.  

While I probably should have taken it easy today I decided to begin spring cleaning in the kitchen, ripped apart a couple of drawers, threw out/recycled lots of useless stuff, washed the drawers down and then reorganized the remaining contents - a place for everything and everything in its place...but not in an OCD way. LOL.  But since I seem to "flutter" between projects I also organized the closet at the front door, pulled out some coats for donation an threw out some old shoes.  I really don't know why I clean in this makes sense in the moment but then in reflection seems very counter-productive.  I mean yes I can focus on a project from beginning to end but for whatever reason cleaning seems to bring out the hummingbird in me.

Back to work tomorrow - weekends are never long enough...I could totally be down with a 5 day weekend - 2 day work schedule  - at the same pay of course...we have a lottery pool at work..maybe our turn will be next :) - I could retire at 37... paint, travel, take pictures, take classes and do home renovations to my hearts content...sounds like a plan to me...but till then I guess I better go finish my laundry so I have clean undies for the week.  LOL.



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