Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Spring cleaning...

I'm feeling this need to begin spring cleaning on a massive my soul is itching for change…clearing out the old to make way for the new…and I'm not talking about just clearing out my closet, but old ways of thinking, old habits, old ideas... things that I have clung to...thinking...maybe some day…but that are no longer serving any purpose other than to help me remain in my comfort zone. And my comfort zone is feeling confining and stale.

Part of me is saying it is too soon, just hold off...but a quiet voice is saying it is time...time to release, to explore, to savory and to own my experiences and the lessons, vs. letting them own me.  I'm not sure where this feeling will take me, but if the start of 2013 is any indication it will push me to new endeavours, challenge my ideas about myself, my world and everything in it.  I have a sense of excitement, about this journey, that I am embarking on.  

Now hopefully my approach is a little more shaped than my typical cleaning which fits the ADCD definition - Attention Deficit Cleaning Disorder - which is where you start cleaning one thing only to notice something there goes somewhere else so you put that where it belongs and then notice that needs to be cleaned to so you begin cleaning that and then the process repeats...yeah I do better if stuff is just where is should be or if I think I'm kidding but I'm not...LOL

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