What I realised more that anything over this Christmas break is that it is time for me to commit to me...and with 2015 being the year I turn 40 (July 10) what better time to do so. It's time to get back on track with eating, meditation, stretching and running.
Playing a bit of catch up - today is Jan 4 and I pumped out day 1 and 2, tomorrow will be day 3/4 and then I will skip the day 5 as is it s rest day and then I will be caught up and on par with the rest of the group.
I also joined the Sisterhoods Lean and Mean in 2015 Dietbet challenge that runs from January 5 - July 4...so it will finish up just 6 days before my 40th birthday!
The weather is not really cooperating with the running so tomorrow I go and get a monthly membership at the local community centre with the indoor running track...it's all about eliminating opportunities for excuses. I have been helping my mom change her eating habits but making all her food gluten free and limiting the processed crap...and have been doing that as well for me...but I know I need to focus more on paleo/clean eating so I will work towards 2 out 3 meals each day and build from there.
I will also be starting on the 60 day PiYo challenge...I need to ensure my strength and flexibility are maintained throughout all this...and hopefully all this will help with the life stress. In addition just to load the deck a bit in my favour on the distressing side I will be meditating before going to bed and having some fun by participating in the "Vagina Monologues 2015" with the local community theatre....well here is too a fantastic 2015.
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