Friday, 6 November 2015

Dryer goes au natural!

I have decided that one of the next things I am going to change up is what goes in my dryer!  I have always used Bounce sheets...and unfortunately I have a ton left thanks to the extra-large box I bought at Costco this summer but I am committed to this change so those are going in the garbage.  I have also at times used Downey laundry softener especially with towels and bedding but since the bottle was done weeks ago I am not going to replace what's a girl to do...especially living in a dry client that is very static friendly?

Well I bought these wool dryer balls called "Woolzies".  They are available on Amazon as well and if you google it you can even make your own...I am not that savvy just yet but they did have a box at the local health food store so I bought it.

The dryer balls are reported to reduce static, dryer time, soften the fabrics, save energy and be noise free...what they don't naturally have is a great scent.  That is where my new Young Living Oils from my kit come in.

I have added 2 drops of Lavender and 2 drops of Lemon to each ball.

I am now doing my first dryer ball load and will let you all know how it goes.  Just another way to remove the nasty from your home and move towards living more chemical free.


Tuesday, 3 November 2015

A new purpose

I am feeling this itch lately to change things up in my life...nothing specific yet everything is on the table.  I am looking to make my life cleaner and healthier and to build that experience and knowledge into something I can share.  This is a mind, body, spiritual approach that I believe at my core is missing.  I have come to firmly believe that it is all interconnected and if you only adjust one that the full impact of even the most positive change can never be fully realized.

I hope to gain some clarity through this process towards what other changes this "itch" may have in store for me.  I watched this great YouTube video yesterday by Gary Vaynerchuck called "6 mins for the next 60 years" and it really spoke to me and some thoughts that have been running through my head for the past few years.

One day I would like to be my own boss.

Looking back some days I feel like I made a mistake career wise...I feel like I need to be doing something I feel passionate about vs. something that is just a good paycheck...what I want is both!!!! Like the picture to the left, which is from my bedroom wall I want to love what I do. Currently I am halfway through a Holistic Nutrition Diploma and I am feeling a pull to add on an Aromatherapy Certificate.  I have also long been drawn to the restorative capacity of Massage Therapy and am pondering taking the classes necessary to do this...which are offered here as weekend/evening classes...I believe that this direction would fit better with who I am at my core....but I need to finish some of the other things I have started first. :)

So here is to the next year and all the changes, big and small to come!


Thursday, 9 July 2015

On the eve of my 40th birthday...

Yikes...that is the first word that pops in to my head when I think about turning 40 tomorrow. Followed by FUCK!

Now I don't want you to get me wrong there is nothing inherently wrong with or scary about having a 40th birthday or any other birthday for that matter but for some reason this is the first birthday I have felt dread. The first birthday I have not counted down too with excitement.

Perhaps this dread is fuelled by the situation with my Moms current health and the challenges she has faced since her first stroke at 44, only 4 years older that I am. Perhaps it's fuelled by a fear of what is to come that has been with me since my moms post knee surgery heart attack in May. Perhaps it's knowing that I am now older than both my parents were when they lost their parents. Perhaps it is the stress of the last 6 months caring for my mother and knowing that she even then and especially now requires care that exceeds what I/we can do for her; even if she doesn't want to accept that. Then again maybe it's none of it, maybe it's just the summer heat and the smoke from the forest fires, but I doubt that.

Looking back on my 30's... they have been good to me!  I have a job that I enjoy (most days) at which I will hit 10 years in next month. I bought my first house and have done all kinds of renovations. I have travelled across Canada, and been to a few favourite destinations both local and into the US...I wanna retire in Washington state...between the mountains and the ocean - best of both worlds.  I learnt to play golf and have gone from not being a runner to having completed 4 half marathons...all those in the last year and a half.   Yes there have been difficult times, tough choices and tears shed along the way but I can honestly say my 30's exceeded my expectations and right now that is what I want to be, needing to be focusing on.

Even though I step in to this next decade, my fourth decade, with some serious fears and dread about what will someday come to pass I also know that I can't live in that fear and dread.  A life cannot be lived, especially not well lived when stifled by fear. Fear is a choice and I choose differently. My emotions will not limit my life, I choose to live my life, to make memories and have stories to tell. I choose to do in spite of my fear, in spite of my dread.  I acknowledge they are there but I commit that they will not stop me.

What do I want for my 40's?  What are my goals?

I want adventure, to travel and explore this great big world and to meet people and learn about cultures and history.  I want to learn about the past, see where we are in our present, and build for the future. I want to continue to shape my home into my sanctuary, to enjoy the solace I have built.  I want my years to be filled with laughter and love. I want my 40's to be about gaining knowledge, having new experiences and enjoying it all.  I want to become a marathoner, I want to find new comfort with my body through crossfit and yoga and maybe even martial arts. I want to take more photos, paint more, take a course in pottery, to find expression through art. I want to push myself in new ways and find my passion or even better passions, who says you can only have one!

I have always, at least from early childhood,  figured I would see 2075 and beyond. With that in mind the next 60+ years of my life will not stagnate in fear but move forward looking for adventures big and small.

So how will I kick off my 40th year...a really long walk...I have a number in mind but am not going to share at this time...maybe I will blog about it tomorrow?

As I am writing this I have become increasingly aware of all the things I have to be grateful for. The interesting thing about gratitude is that sometimes if we can find the gratitude in the more difficult experiences, the experience of loss, sickness, heartache, pain, fear, anxiety and all those other "negative" things can help to being about a more "positive" mindset.  While this "silver lining" thinking is not always possible, where it is possible, it is a gentle push forward and toward new and better things...with that in mind... I say goodnight and leave you with this.

Sunday, 4 January 2015

And where to begin...2015 - year of renewal

Well we all know life can get a little crazy and stressful...the 43 days of OT I worked in 2014 were a big contributor to that.  I am hoping that taking a 6 month secondment to a project team will give me the renewal and relief I seek on the work side.  Running has been hit and miss - more miss since Vegas and well eating has been way off since summer.  December my mothers health challenges came to more of a head and she is now living with me till they improve.  Her mobility has her restricted to the bed mostly so well that comes with other challenges and stresses for sure.

What I realised more that anything over this Christmas break is that it is time for me to commit to me...and with 2015 being the year I turn 40 (July 10) what better time to do so.  It's time to get back on track with eating, meditation, stretching and running.

To start off on the right foot I have signed up for a January challenge with Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans again - Squats and Push ups my favs...

Playing a bit of catch up - today is Jan 4 and I pumped out day 1 and 2, tomorrow will be day 3/4 and then I will skip the day 5 as is it s rest day and then I will be caught up and on par with the rest of the group.

I also joined the Sisterhoods Lean and Mean in 2015 Dietbet challenge that runs from January 5 - July it will finish up just 6 days before my 40th birthday!

The weather is not really cooperating with the running so tomorrow I go and get a monthly membership at the local community centre with the indoor running's all about eliminating opportunities for excuses.  I have been helping my mom change her eating habits but making all her food gluten free and limiting the processed crap...and have been doing that as well for me...but I know I need to focus more on paleo/clean eating so I will work towards 2 out 3 meals each day and build from there.

I will also be starting on the 60 day PiYo challenge...I need to ensure my strength and flexibility are maintained throughout all this...and hopefully all this will help with the life stress.  In addition just to load the deck a bit in my favour on the distressing side I will be meditating before going to bed and having some fun by participating in the "Vagina Monologues 2015" with the local community theatre....well here is too a fantastic 2015.
