Well since I am cataloging all my other challenges (squats and AB's) I thought why not my learn to run progression? Sounds like a good idea to me!
The actual classes are on Mondays and then we are expected to do two (2) additional runs in the rest of the week basically repeating what we do time/distance wise on the Monday.
This upcoming Monday will be the third class (week 3 of 7) and we will be moving into 4:1 (run:walk) the class distance will be 3 km for the distance. On my own with warm up and cool down I am already a little over 5k's at 5.2 km according to my Garmin (GPS). Yay me !!! :)
Long story short..I used to run, got Mono and a bunch of not so fun complications, couldn't run..fast forward almost 3 years...doing much better now...was working towards running but the bombing in Boston got me out on the pavement that same night - it was the kick in the shins I needed and I am not looking back!
One of my biggest issues has always been holding too much tension in my shoulders even when running...so what you say...well it's actually a big deal. Shoulder tension won't allow for deep full breaths (learnt this from yoga), it tends to shorten your gait/stride and because your upper body won't be moving naturally with your stride it can contribute to back/neck strain.
On You Tube "The Balanced Runner" has lots of great tips...even one on shoulder tightness.... http://youtu.be/rNjHMFRhok0
When running right now I am consciously thinking about this. Telling myself to drop my shoulders from my ears and to be wide across the back and my running feels better, more natural when I do. Eventually I am banking on this becoming muscle memory, but for now it is conscious effort, but it is so worth it.
Saturday - May 5 - they say the toughest step a runner takes is the first one out the door and boy today that was so true...my quads and hamstrings are sore from the squats and the yard work and the last thing I wanted to do was go running...so I looked for some inspiration and found it on a Facebook group I belong too called the Heavyweight Runner. There were lots of posting today from people just like me making PR, completing first half's and just getting out there and getting moving.
Shoes on, and out the door I went. Now another 5.2 ks down with warm up/cool down and this time 8 sets of 3:1 for 24 min of running. The temp is 24 C, which is great but I forgot how hot it feels running in that. They say add 10 degrees to the actual temp for the feels like temp to figure out how to dress...needless to say it is very warm. The sun was shining right on my sunburned shoulders from yesterday, that's what I get for using last years sunscreen, must have expired...so was feeling a little uncomfortable...but still did it and it feels good. Stretching, shower, mass, then off to see Iron Man 3...a great Saturday overall!!! I hope yours went as well.
Monday - May 6 So didn't go to running class tonight - it was 30C (86F) and well I am not ready for running in that heat - so new plan tomorrow after work 4:1, then Friday and Sunday - that will be my 3 this week - this works around my plans for Wednesday night and my extra long work day on Thursday - so update tomorrow yay!
Tuesday - May 7. Straight home from work, changed, and put on my runners then out the door. Today was the first of the 4:1 (run: walk) and it felt good. Did 7 sets of 4:1 for a total run time of 28 minutes - which is up 4 min from the last run even with the switch in timing from 3-4:1. Shoulders are feeling good, knees are good, the ball of my left foot was bothering me - but I think that is from the sandles I wore yesterday...it was such a nice way to let go of the work day. Did some light stretching and will likely do some more before bed...but wow what a difference a month makes. I started at walk 2 min run 1 min, then with Boston went to run 2 walk 1 right away and have been building since. The two weeks with the time intervals with increasing sets seems to be working well for me...and I think I might be crazy enough to register for my first 10k at the end of the month...what do ya'll think???? Right now just an idea rattling around in my head, but if it grabs a hold...LOL
Friday - May 10 - FRIDAY I'M in LOVE...totally have a CURE moment - just cranked it on my iPod!!!! Wow this run felt great - legs feel strong, shoulders relaxed, breathing was good - no huffing and puffing. I did 8 sets of 4:1 for a total run time of 32 min and had to add some distance for my cool down...next run will switch to a longer neighbourhood circuit so that I am getting a longer cool down and still leaving room to build the run into. May do a long run tomorrow - well see or maybe just yard work then back to regular schedule on Monday - we'll see.
Monday - May 13 - Back to the regular days, extended the circuit to a 6k route for now. I will need to extend again for sure but need to look at the local paths and see what works best for me and my goals...might be time to add some hills. Anyway did 9 sets of 4:1 for a total run time of 36 min and felt really good...like really good! Even thought of pushing it another set but slow and steady right...but a good sign for sure :)
Saturday - May 18 - well didn't run 10k, but did complete the virtual 5k for PTSD - and in the rain I might add. I ended up doing more than 5k (time according to the Garmin - 9:23/k average - which is slower than before for sure - but I'll get there). Did my usual route, this time 11 sets of 4:1, for a total run time of 44 min and this was the last day for 4:1. Monday it will be the first day of 5:1 with 9 sets for a total run time of 45 min - see total run time won't change much the first day but how I get there will...anyway that is it for today.
Monday - May 20 and time for a running update but I am actually going to create a new entry so click here to check it out...10k is golden starting at 5:1 The reason for the entirely new post is simple, I now run further than the 5k training program that this post was titled after (my regular run is 6.5k).
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